This study evaluates the investment potential of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), identifies barriers hindering its development, and offers recommendations to overcome them. The INSTC is a crucial part of the Eurasian Transport Network, connecting multiple transport corridors for increased logistics and supply chain opportunities. The three INSTC routes enable the creation of new logistics for various cargo types. Over 40 physical and soft infrastructure barriers were identified, including bottlenecks, lack of harmonized border crossing procedures, paper-based transport documents, and insufficient coordination mechanisms. A database of over 100 ongoing or planned investment projects was created, with Priority 1 projects requiring an estimated $10.7 billion to eliminate infrastructure barriers along existing routes. Private investment and public-private partnerships could finance some projects, promoting private investor involvement. Implementation of investment projects and improved soft infrastructure is likely to improve INSTC efficiency, transport infrastructure, logistics services, and mutual cooperation between countries.